The accessibility statement of the SGL architecture website.
According to an amendment to the regulations dealing with internet accessibility, this website is exempt from the accessibility obligation. The site does not offer services at all and is operated by a private person (not an association or a commercial company).
We invest a lot of time and effort in making this site accessible from the beginning of its construction. The site is accessed in accordance with Regulation 35, T.I. 5568 for the accessibility of websites and Wcag 2.0. We chose the AA standard. On this page we will detail the tools and methods we used to make the website accessible, as well as an explanation of how to contact us if there is a need to fix a fault or improve accessibility.
The site was accessed in the following ways:
1. Adapting the site to all types of modern browsers (ie all except Internet Explorer).
2. Adapting the site to all types of platforms - mobile, tablets and desktops.
3. Adjusting the website in terms of keyboard use only.
4. Adaptation of the website to people with partial or total visual impairment.
5. Adaptation of the site and its contents to people with partial or complete hearing impairment.
6. This website has the enable accessibility plugin embedded which helps make the website accessible to people with disabilities.
In order to make the site and its contents accessible, the following changes were made:
1. Changes and tests on the site so that it fits all browsers and all platforms (responsiveness).
2. Adding access keys in a way that will not contradict the natural keyboard operations and making sure that all parts of the site can be reached with only a keyboard.
3. Checking color contrast, adding an explanatory text to each image on the site including in the various guides, adding a label in different forms.
The tools we used to test accessibility are:
1. The accessibility standard itself as detailed on the W3C website.
2. The test criteria as they appear on the Israeli accessibility website.
3. Manual scanning of the site's source code.
4. Use of WAVE - to check the contrast on the site, to check the structure of the site and for a general scan according to the WCAG2 standard.
5. Using the AC Checker tool for final validation of the site and its various parts.
6. Using the Evaluera tool to manually check the various points.
7. Using the website infrastructure tool (WIX) for scanning and checking accessibility
As you can see, a lot of time and effort was invested in making the site accessible. This site is an old site (established in 2017).
If there are accessibility problems, we would be very happy if you contact us.
You can contact usvia the email:, or to Saar Gharan Levy, by phone 0542328209
the enable accessibility plugin:
Internet arena has a platform for expression and self-representation, it serves us as an arena for social and political.
We buy and sell, through which employees are exposed now than before.
As such, there is an obligation to allow the public an enjoyable browsing experience and easy as possible.
We have devoted considerable resources to make this site accessible to allow the browsing experience for the entire population and people with disabilities in particular.
The motto leads us is human dignity and freedom, since it is a cornerstone of Israeli society that we all have equal rights and are essentially equal.
Using the accessibility component:
This website incorporates the Enable Accessibility plugin that helps make the website accessible to people with disabilities.
User Guide Menu:
Matching button website and site tags for assistive devices and technologies for the disabled
Enable button with keyboard navigation between site links
Disable button flashes and / or moving elements on the screen
Enable button black and white monochrome mode for colorblind
Button sepia (brownish tint)
High contrast change button
Black and yellow button
Reverse colors button
Button for highlighting clearly the title tags to appear on the site
Button that clearly emphasizes the links from the site
Button displays the alternative description of all the images appearing on mouseover
Permanent displays a button description of the images on the site
Cancel button Use a readable font
Button for Increase font size on the site
Button reducing the font size on site
All maximize button display approximately 200%
Any reduction button display up to 70%
Increasing mouse button
Increasing mouse button and change its color to black
Button for Reading Mode Site
Button displays the accessibility statement
Reset button eliminates accessibility
button access to Send Feedback
Button for change the language bar in accordance with the Declaration of accessibility
Accessibility bar has two types of growing Lnochiotcm, but if you want to increase more letters you can use the following keyboard functions:
Esc key will open and close the Accessibility Toolbar
Ctrl + key will increase the site's text
Ctrl key - will reduce the text on the site
Ctrl key 0 to return the site to raise the original
Spacebar (SPACE) will download the site down.
F11 will increase the screen to full size - another pressing reduces it back.
For the avoidance of doubt:
We are committed to make our site accessible to all people with abilities and with disabilities.
This site have the technology that suits your needs.
This site is a largely usable for the entire population We're making every effort
You may find elements that are not Fully accessible,
that has not been accessible to or maybe we have not found
suitable technology and alongside this we ensure that maximum efforts are made to improve and make accessible high level and without compromises.
If you have any difficulty browsing the site and watching us, we apologize and would be very pleased that you turn your attention to this